Fixed clients not having charge melee interrupted by enemy melee.
Fixed Outpost door prefab that was causing some agents to get stuck.
Fixed Outpost weather VFX that extended into interior environments.
Fixed collision volumes on some rocks in Outpost.
Fixed some blocking volumes in Corpus Outpost that allowed players to go under the map.
Fixed Glaive not doing critical hits when thrown.
Fixed stats not collecting for projectile weapons.
Fixed falling through stairs on respawn/revive.
Fixed "Skip Tutorial" option that was replacing "Abort Mission" while in tutorial state.
Fixed Trinity's Link ability affecting the rescue target, even when other enemies are nearby.
Fixed clipping issues on moving ships and ramps in Cave Hanger.
Fixed Mag's Bullet Attractor and Trinity's Link abilities having limited use against Fusion MOAs, power effect now more in-line with other enemies.
Fixed electricity FX on Dual Ether and Ether Daggers.
Fixed an issue where the "Hit Point" of radial damage was always the centre of the explosion (powers like radial blast would have the damage indicators show up at your feet).
Fixed enemy count being reset on extermination missions when host migrates.
Fixed objective complete status not being removed when players abort or finish a mission.
Fixed bonus XP being displayed when you forfeit a mission.
Fixed Paris not appearing in player profile stats page.
Fixed Shield Osprey from hiding if last enemy in defense mission.
Fixed vertical damage deformer resulting in black Artifacts appearing on enemies.
Fixed clients are stuck in "ground fire" posture/modifier from everyone else's point of view after reviving.
Fixed Ember's World on Fire ability having inconsistent duration times.
Fixed Mag's Bullet Attractor hanging when cast on certain enemies.
Fixed Infested Crawlers being able to jump.
Added unique voice for Lieutenant Lech Kril.
Invulnerability while casting ults removed for all Warframes.
Stalker now has a Paris and a scythe weapon.
Grineer Sawmen have had their saws replaced with cleavers.
Also changes to some physics values like sliding.
Wallrun is now stickier and easier to do unintentionally.
Some tiles cleaned up to reduce chances of enemies getting stuck on terrain.
Security Cameras now have visible cones of vision.
Shockwave MOAs can no longer be knocked down while charging their stomp.
Control panels on Grineer Asteroid Base have a new model.
A new Grineer Asteroid Base tile added for extraction point.
Kela De Thaym now has a limit of 3 to number of active Rollers she can deploy.
Seekers now have limit to number of active Latchers they can deploy.
Crouch-aim walk is now slower than stand-aim walk.
Players using Hacking terminals will not be affected by Mag's Pull power or Loki's Switch power.
Super MOA added to main enemy list, but is still rare.
Fusion MOA drones spawn with a level similar to the Moa instead of level 1.
Reworked all bolt impacts and added water and flesh.
Reworked bow draw and added dedicated 2D and 3D sounds.
Max health = 100 for Leech/ Mine drones.
News feed now updates real-time with Alerts when syncing world state instead of waiting for relogin by user.
Weapon damage amount no longer stacks on top of Weapon projectile explosion chance.
Disabled challenges (optional objectives) in Mastery Rank tests.
This allows clients to immediately throw the glaive and have normal-looking motion even with a laggy host.
Glaive is no longer affected by Client vs Host lag.
Banshee's Sound Quake has been balanced to do more intended damage amounts on use.
UI Improvements have been added to the "Contact" Area of the Menus.
Rhino Skin no longer grants full invincibility, but can now reach up to 80% Damage Reduction at highest Mod level.
An End-Goal of this is also to eventually include Platinum to Credit Bundles. The Weapon Prices have been the same since Closed Beta, and now that we have grown, we are going to balance the pricing of our gear. Our Marketplace Weapon Pricing has received an overhaul.