Summon night swordcraft story
Summon night swordcraft story


  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: The Reckless Summoning ability.
  • Dating Sim: Elements of it are present, in particular the Relationship Values and the night conversations.
  • Certain Status Effects will also modify the likelihood of getting a critical hit. This difference also determines physical hit/evade rate.
  • Critical Hit: Determined by the difference in TEC between attacker and defender.
  • It's a bit toned down in Summon Night 4, where most of them only have immunity to charm and possession effects and are just highly resistant to everything else.
  • Contractual Boss Immunity: Most named enemy characters in story battles have this.
  • Thus, a more straight case would be the bonus bosses in the fourth game. The first four spin-off games, the three Craftsword Monogatari games and EX-These, also share the same universe but they don't get referenced as much. The fourth game overdoses on this, featuring many characters from all three previous games. The second and third games feature an extra story with characters from the previous game meeting with the characters of the current game, all aged accordingly.


    Unlike many RPG series, all the games in the main series take place in the same verse, but at different times and different places. There is also a non-summon combination attack in Summon Night 4.Combination Attack: Certain summon attacks require a specific set of characters within a certain range of the summoner.Each of them is dressed in the color matching the summonite corresponding to their summoning affinity. Color-Coded for Your Convenience: In Summon Night 3, there are four possible students to be your companion.In general, this number is four times the power of a summon's skill. Cap: Magic healing and damage is subject to this.Can't Drop the Hero: Played straight in story battles and is paired with We Cannot Go On Without You.Turbo controller highly recommended for the Summon Night 3 version. Bonus Boss: The White Night Guardians from Summon Night EX-These can be found in the true final level of the Limitless Halls of Summon Night 4.Bare-Fisted Monk: Morin, Kyle, Seilon, and so many more.Arbitrary Headcount Limit: You are limited to fielding eight units.Furthermore, Brave Clears impose a level ceiling meaning if you want to try for them, you can't level up too much.

    summon night swordcraft story


  • Anti-Grinding: Free battles grant less experience and money than story battles.
  • summon night swordcraft story

    Gameplay and Story Integration keeps this up as Coral ignores sex restrictions on equipment and can be used in both the Undead Ship Captain and Dryad collaborative summons, which requires 4 male characters and 4 female characters respectively.

    summon night swordcraft story

    Coral is the result of choosing the third option. The response options are "male", "female", and "I don't know". When the Dragon Child is first met, the protagonist is asked by another character what the Dragon Child's sex is.

  • Ambiguous Gender: Coral is explicitly this, as a direct result of Schrödinger's Gun.
  • It's part Worldbuilding and part World Building Name Drop. It tells you more than you need to know about the setting.

    summon night swordcraft story

    All There in the Manual: Starting in the second game, there's a huge in-game encyclopedia that unlocks entries as you progress through the game.Summon Night Gran-These: Horobi no Tsurugi to Yakusoku no Kishi (2010).

    Summon night swordcraft story